Fresh Soul offers catering for groups of up to 150 people. Orders can be placed in groups of 50, 100 and 150 people. We add a 25% gratuity + tax.
Please call to schedule catering 2 weeks before your event. This is non negotiable. 509-242-3377 $20 per person (a $22.50 value)
50 people $1000.00 + tax + 25% gratuity
100 people $2000.00 + tax + 25% gratuity
150 people $3000.00 + tax + 25% gratuity
Each person will receive:
2 BBQ Ribs
1 Chicken leg
1 piece of cornbread
1 serving potato salad
1 slice of Cyrus O’Leary pie
Visit our website for more information or call Fresh Soul to book catering for your event. 509-242-3377