
Signature Commercial Baking Sheet

Angus Meats Direct

Not your average cookie sheet!

Use with Sheet Pan Suppers for the perfect level of doneness. Why use a heavy-duty sheet pan? Believe it or not, in this case, the sheet pan makes the supper. Restaurants can brown and cook many different types of food to perfection because of their heavy-weight cookware. That is why Angus Meats Direct invested in the right type of pan to ensure delicious and evenly browned meals. This baking sheet was specifically designed for Angus Meats Direct with our Sheet Pan Suppers in mind. Sheet Pan Suppers are ready-to-bake one-dish suppers that come in three parts: veggie, premium protein (beef or chicken), and sauce. These heavy-duty pans will ensure deliciously browned meat, evenly roasted veggies, and perfectly thickened sauces - every bake! SPECIAL: receive a 25% discount on your own Signature Branded Angus Meats Direct Heavy-Duty Baking Sheet  if you order 3 or more sheet pan suppers!


  • 13"x18"
  • 18 gauge half sheet
  • Stainless steal
  • Available for delivery or curbside-pickup

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